Yorkshire Terriers
Here, you will find various before and after shots for different Yorkshire Terriers.
About Coco's Haircut...
Coco received a #2 comb all over and a Teddy Bear Head for this visit.

Itty Bitty

About Itty Bitty's Haircut...
Itty Bitty received a #2 comb all over and a Teddy Bear Head for this visit.
About Miss Frizzle's Haircut...
Miss Frizzle received a #2 comb all over and a short Teddy Bear Head for this visit.
Miss Frizzle Eater of Worlds


About Kaleb's Haircut...
Kaleb received a #2 comb all over and a Teddy Bear Head for this visit.
About Halo's Haircut...
Halo received a #10 blade all over and a very short face trimming for this visit.


About Benji's Haircut...
Benji received a #2 comb all over and a Teddy Bear Head for this visit.
About Santana's Haircut...
Santana received a #5 blade all over and a Westie Head for this visit.


About Precious' Haircut...
Precious received a lamb cut with a #5 comb on her body, hand scissor on the legs, and a Teddy Bear Head for this visit.
About Holly's Haircut...
Holly received a #2 comb all over and a Teddy Bear Head for this visit.